My wife and I didn’t purposefully set out to manage our reputations so the end result would be a critical mass of reasonable people left with a favorable impression. But it happened.
In recent years, married couple back-and-forth verbal repartee evolved into a semi-public thing. When posted to social media under the heading of “an actual conversation,” they became verbal snapshots of a marriage and have sort of taken on a life of their own. Here’s a year-end look back at the best of 2024.
Jackie: “Can you go to the Sporting KC game with me Saturday?”
Mike: “Surely. Do we have to schmooze?”
Jackie: “A little bit. Yes.”
(to enjoy a book together, I often read aloud when we hit the rack)
Mike: “Early impressions of the new Johnny Carson bio?”
Jackie: “I like it, but when you’re sleepy, you’re hard to follow because your sentence structure gets a little wonky. There were no periods.”
Jackie: “You’re impossible.”
Mike: “Not impossible, just occasionally difficult.”
(sandwich prep)
Mike: “...and a couple of olives on a toothpick stuck into the top.”
Jackie: “You can stick your own olives.”
Jackie: “You can just trust me and not micromanage.”
Mike: “It’s not micromanagement, it’s curiosity.”
Jackie: “Keep tellin’ yourself that.”
(encountering what was assumed to be a specialized women’s garment while folding laundry)
Mike: “What do you call these?”
Jackie: “Pants.”
Mike: “I do a pretty good Brando, doncha think?”
Jackie: “You don’t do a terrible Brando.”
Mike: “I don’t want any donuts.”
Jackie: “Those are words I have never heard you say.”

(interrupting the stream w/an ice cube tray while she’s filling a water bottle)
Mike: “That’s called efficiency.”
Jackie: “No, that’s called half-assing the ice cubes.”
(watching the Royals)
Mike: “’Member when we had Jorge Soler, and that year he hit like 57-thousand home runs?”
Jackie: “Yeah, that 56,999th one was memorable.”
Jackie: “You already packed my jewelry. I don’t even have a watch!”
Mike: “Could be worse. Could have no underwear.”
Jackie: “Yeah, I had to dig those out of a box.”
(sneaker blowout)
Mike: “Are we VIP’s, or have some sort of discount with Dick’s Sporting Goods, or am I just a regular schmo?”
Jackie: “Schmo. We have rewards, though.”
Mike: “ETA?”
Jackie: “5 p.m., in a Blue Key advising meeting.”
Mike: “Dispense some good advice.”
Mike: “I must not have been listening.”
Jackie: “Shocking.”
Jackie: “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”
Mike: “You and Scarlett O’Hara.”